Russian Liquid Crystal Society


PROF. V.V.Belyaev

Main publications (PAPERS, PATENTS)

1. 1. Belyaev V.V. "Viscosity of nematic liquid crystals" // Russian Chemical Reviews. V.58. No.10. P.917-944 (1989).

2. Belyaev V.V., Ivanov S.A. "Influence of the size and shape of alkyl substituents on visco-elastic properties of 4-alkyl-4'-alkoxytolanes" // Sovyet Physics Crystallography. V.37. No.1. P.123-134 (1992).

3. Belyaev V.V., Gerasimov A.A., Grebenkin M.F., Lisetskii L.N. "Influence of asymmetry of mesogen molecules on macroscopic physical properties of nematic liquid crystals" // Sov.Phys.JETP. V.86. No.3. P.557-561 (1984).

4. Belyaev V.V., Grebenkin M.F., Lisetskii L.N. "Effect of dimerization on the properties of alkylbenzoic and alkoxycyclohexane carboxylic acid mixtures" // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry. V.62. No.11. P.1611-1612 (1988).

5. Grebyonkin M.F., Petrov V.F., Belyaev V.V., Pavluchenko A.I., Smirnova N.I., Kovshev E.I., Titov V.V., Ivashchenko A.V. "Synthesis and properties of 5-alkyl-2-(4-cyanophenyl)pyridines" // Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals. V.129. P.245-258 (1985).

6. Belyaev V.V., Nemtsov V.B."Molecular friction and rotational viscosity of nematic liquid crystals" // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry. V.66. No.10. P.1492 (1992).

7. Belyaev V.V., Ivanov S.A., Grebenkin M.F. "Temperature dependence of rotational viscosity of nematic liquid crystals" // Sovyet Physics Crystallography. V.30. No.4. P.674-682 (1985).

8. Belyaev V.V., Grebenkin M.F., Ivanov S.A. "Temperature dependence of rotational viscosity of nematic liquid crystals" // 6th Liquid Conference of Socialist Countries. Halle (GDR). 1985. Abstracts. C82.

9. Belyaev V.V., Grebenkin M.F. "Rotational viscosity of cyanoderivative nematic liquid crystals" // Sovyet Physics Crystallography. V.28. No.5 (1983).

10. Pozhidaev E.P., Blinov L.M., Beresnev L.A., Belyaev V.V. "The dielectric anomaly near the transition from the smectic A* to smectic C* phase and visco-elastic properties of ferroelectric liquid crystals" // Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals. V.124. P.359 (1985).

11. Belyaev V.V. "Calculation of glassing temperature and rotational viscosity of nematic liquid crystals by the method of increments" // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry. V.65. No.4. P.892-895 (1991).

12. Belyaev V.V., Grebenkin M.F., Petrov V.F. "Molecular packing of nematic liquid crystals. I. Polar and weak-polar substances" // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry. V.64. No.4. P.509-512 (1990).

13. Belyaev V.V., Antonyan T.P., Lisetski L.N., Grebenkin M.F., Slashcheva G.G., Petrov V.F. "Effect of specific intermolecular interactions on the properties of cyano-substituted nematics mixed with azoxy compounds of low polarity" // Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals. V.129. P.221-233 (1985).

14. Chigrinov V.G., Belyaev V.V., Belyaev S.V., Grebenkin M.F. "Instability of cholesteric liquid crystals in electric field" // Sov.Physics JETP. V.50. No.5. P.994-999 (1979).

15. Belyaev V.V., Belyaev S.V., Chigrinov V.G., Grebenkin M.F. "Instability of the cholesteric planar texture in an electric field" // In "Advances in liquid crystal research and applications". L.Bata. Pergamon Press, Oxford - Akademiai Kiado, Budapest. 1980. V.1. P.673-691 .

16. Ivanov S.A., Belyaev V.V., Zeinalov R.A., Ostrovskii B.I. "Characteristics of the behavior of elastic constants of liquid crystals due to reentrant polymorphysm"// Sov.Physics JETP. V.64. No.2. P.330-335 (1986).

17. Ivanov S.A., Belyaev V.V."Temperature dependences of viscosity coefficients hs and hb of mixtures of cyanoderivative liquid crystals possessing reversible polymorphysm" // Sovyet Physics Crystallography. V.34. No.3. P.411-413 (1989).

18. Balandin V.A., Bahtijarova A.M., Kashitsin A.S., Belyaev V.V., Ivanov S.A., Emeljanov V.M. "The investigation of elastic and viscous properties of 6 OCB, 8 OCB and their mixtures by acoustical and optical methods" // Summer European Liquid Crystal Conference. Vilnius. 1991. Abstracts. F 17. V.2. P.35.

19. Chigrinov V.G., Belyaev V.V., Parfenov A.V., Vasiliev A.A. "Orientational effects in nematic liquid crystals in electric and magnetic fields. Part I. Main properties" // Preprint of Physical Lebedev Institute No.24. P.1-69 (1982).

20. Belyaev V.V., Blinov L.M., Rumyantsev V.G. "Rise and decay time of S-effect in nematic liquid crystals" // Sov.Microelectronics. V.5. No.6 (1976).

21. Chigrinov V.G., Belyaev V.V. "Time characteristics of orientational electrooptical effects in nematic liquid crystals" // Sovyet Physics Crystallography. V.22. No.3. P.344-346 (1977).

22. Belyaev V.V., Chigrinov V.G. "Dynamics of the twist effect in nematic liquid crystals: Relaxation of angle of inclination of molecules " // Sovyet Physics Crystallography. V.23. No.5. P.614-616 (1978).

23. Belyaev V.V., Chigrinov V.G. "The switching dynamics of nematic liquid crystals with low-frequency dispersion of the dielectric anisotropy" // Sovyet Physics Crystallography. V.23. No.4. P.454-457 (1978).

24. Adomenas P., Annin S.N., Belyaev V.V., Dolgikh A.V., Kostochkina Z.A., Kostyuk A.V., Makushka R., Polykarpov A.V., Pameditite V., Vareikis A. "The displaying of 2,5 D scenes in multilayer nematic polydispersed screens" // Summer European Liquid Crystal Conference. Vilnius. 1991. Abstracts. J 22. V.2. P.179.

25. Belyaev V.V., Kuznetsov A.B., Kovtonyuk N.F., Lapshin A.N., Panarin Yu.P., Pozhidaev E.P. "Optically addressed spatial light modulator with 2 kHz image change frequency" // Summer EuropeanLiqud Crystal Conference. Vilnius. 1991.Abstracts. J23. V.2. P.180.

26. Belyaev V.V., Chigrinov V.G. "Figure of merit of liquid-crystalline materials for optically addressed spatial modulators" // Applied Optics. V.32. No.2. P.141-146 (1993).

27. Belyaev V.V., Kovtonyuk N.F., Kupreichenko V.S., Odinokov S.B., Savin A.I., Chigrinov V.G. "Subtraction of images in real time with the aim of liquid-crystalline spatial light modulator" // Sov.Phys.Doklady. V.34. No.6. P.557-558 (1989).

28. Annin S.N., Belyaev V.V., Kovtonyuk N.F., Kupreichenko V.S., Lapshin A.N., Odinokov S.B. "Dynamics of forming of electro-optical response of optically addressed spatial modulators based on MDS-LC structure" // Zhurnal tekhnicheskoi fiziki. V.59. P.80-84(1989) (Journal of technical Physics. V.34. P.429-431 (1989)).

29. Belyaev V.V., Dvulichanskaya N.N., Dolgikh A.V., Kuznetsov A.B., Sal'nikov E.N. "Dependence of signal-noise characteristics of liquid-crystalline spatial light modulators on driving regime" // Zhurnal tekhnicheskoi fiziki. V.61. P.139-144 (1991) (Journal of technical Physics. V.36. P.331-334 (1991)).

30. Belyaev V.V., Berestnev S.P., Ivanov S.A., Kostochkina Z.A., Kuznetsov A.B., Mikhailova G.K. "Light scattering of liquid-crystalline layer of a SLM based on MDS-LC structure" // Pis'ma v Zhurnal tekhnicheskoi fiziki. No.16. P.78-84 (1990).

31. Allagulov A.I., Belyaev V.V., Chigrinov V.G., Kuznetsov A.B. "Distribution of voltages in metal-dielectric-semiconductor-liquid-crystal structure" // Sov.Journal of Optical Technology. V.58. No.6. P.337-340 (1991).

32. Belyaev V.V., Kuznetsov A.B. "Dependence of refractive indices of 4-alkyl-4'-alkoxytolanes on their molecular structure"// Sov.Journal of Optical Technology. V.60. No.7. P.420-424 (1993).

33. Belyaev V.V., Kovtonyuk N.F., Kuznetsov A.B. "Antidazzling goggles with controllable transmission"// Sov.Journal of Optical Technology. V.60. No.7. P.456-459 (1993).

34. Kovtonyuk N.F., Belyaev V.V. "New developments in the technology of liquid-crystalline spatial light modulators"// Proceedings of SPIE . V.2051 Optical Information Processing P.254-275 (1993).

35. Belyaev V.V., Kovtonyuk N.F., Kuznetsov A.B. "Antidazzling driver's goggles with controllable transmission"// Proceedings of SPIE . V.2051 Optical Information Processing P.861-870 (1993).

36. Emel'anov V.M., Belyaev V.V. "Cathode Ray Tube for Input of Images into Optical Processor"//Voprosy radioelectroniki (Problems of Radioelectronics). Ser."Automatic systems of control of manufacture and developments". No.1-2. P.94-99 (1993).

37. Chigrinov V.G., Belyaev V.V., Parfenov A.V. "Bistable liquid crystal structures"//Preprint of Physical Lebedev Institute No.162. P.1-42 (1982).

38. Belyaev S.V., Belyaev V.V., Chigrinov V.G. "Fast switching modes in nematic and ferroelectric LC" // Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals. Proc.15th ILCC (1995).

39. Belyaev V.V., Kovtonyuk N.F. "Liquid crystals in spatial light modulators" // Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals. Vol.265. P.599-613 (1995).

40. Belyaev V.V., Kovtonyuk N.F., Kuznetsov A.B. "Twist- and supertwist antidazzling devices with local reduction of brightness"//Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals. Vol.265. P.591-597 (1995).

41. Belyaev V.V. "Dependence of nematic-isotropic phase transition temperature values on molecular parameters of weak-polar nematics" // Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals. Vol.265. P.675-686 (1995).

42. Belyaev S.V., Rumyantsev V.G., Belyaev V.V. "Optical and electro-optical properties of confocal cholesteric textures"// Sov.Phys.JETP. V.46. No.2. P.337-340 (1977).

43. Belyaev V.V., Vasiliev N.A., Kompanets I.N. et al. "Increase of speed of response of liquid crystalline light modulators"// Pis'ma v ZhTF. V.6. P.845-847 (1980).

44. Belyaev V.V. "Ellipticity of polarized light after passage through a thin layer of liquid crystal" // Sovyet Physics Crystallography. V.24. No.5. P.627-628 (1979).

45. Belyaev V.V., Grebenkin M.F."Rotational viscosity of mixtures of nematic liquid crystals // Sovyet Physics Crystallography. V.29. No.4. P.483-484 (1984).

46. Belyaev V.V.,Grebenkin M.F.,Petrov V.F."Molecular packing of nematic liquid crystals. II.Mixtures of polar and weak-polar substances"// Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry. V.64. No.4. P.512-515 (1990).

47. Grebyonkin M.F., Beresnev G.A., Belyaev V.V. "Visco-elastic properties of liquid crystalline mixtures"// Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystals. V.103. P.1-18 (1983).

48. Balenko V.G., Belyaev V.V., Blinov L.M., Mizin V.M. "Control of laser Q-factor by liqud crystal elements". All-Union Scientific Workshop "Interaction of laser radiation with liquid crystals". Dilizhan. 1978. Abstracts. P.32-33.

49. Belyaev V.V., Chigrinov V.G., Kuznetsov A.B., Kovtonyuk N.F. "Figure of merit of liquid-crystalline materials for optically addressed spatial modulators"// Journal of Technical Physics. V.36. No.11. P.1254-1257 (1991).

50. Chigrinov V.G.,Belyaev V.V.,Parfenov A.V., Vasiliev A.A. "Orientational effects in LC. Optical characteristics. Application in spatial light modulators"//Preprint of Physical Lebedev Institute No.25. P.1-58 (1986).

51. Chigrinov V.G., Kompanets I.N., Parfenov A.V., Belyaev V.V. et al. "Electrooptics of nematic LC in spatially inhomogeneous electric field. Structure photosemiconductor-LC : role of flexoeffect" // Preprint of Physical Lebedev Institute No.112. P.1-33 (1986).

52. Belyaev V.V., Chigrinov V.G., Ivanov S.A. "Effect of back flow on orientational relaxation of strongly deformed nematic liquid crystal layer" // 6th Liquid Crystal Conference of Socialist Countries. Halle (GDR). 1985. Abstracts. F46.

53. Belyaev V.V., Chigrinov V.G., Kalashnikov A.Y. "Electrooptical response of a cell with two liquid crystal layers" // J.Opt.Technol. 1998. V.65. No.7. P.591-593.

54. Mel'nikiova E.I., Tolstik A.V., Belyaev V.V., Kalashnikov A.Y. "Bistability, self-oscillations and logical operations based on optoelectronic elements with nematic liquid crystals"// J.Opt.Technol. 1998. V.65. No.7. P.586-590.

55. Sobolevsky M.V., Mazaeva V.G., Kovalenko V.I., Belyaev V.V., Kalashnikov A.Y. "Technology and physical properties of silicon-organic films for LC alignment" // Proc.18th International Display Research Conference. 1998. Seoul, Korea. P.851-854.

56. Belyaev V.V. "Recent display developments in Russia and CIS countries" // Proc.of the Conference Electronic Information Displays, Esher, England, 1998. V.1, 17th November 1998. P.55-64.

57. Belyaev V.V. "Influence of LC molecular structure on their viscosities" // Data Review Series. UK. 1999. 21 p.

58. Belyaev V.V., Kuznetsov A.B., Kalashnikov A.Y. "Bistable switching of light by liquid crystal cells connected in series with ferroelectric crystals of triglycine sulfate" // J.Opt.Technol. Vol.66. No.6. P.559-561 (1999).

59. Belyaev V.V. "Current market status and developments of electronic displays" // J.Opt.Technol. Vol.66. No.6. P.490-503 (1999).

60. Belyaev V.V. "Worldwide and CIS (Former USSR) Light Emission and Modulation Displays" // Proc.15th International Display Research Conference. 1995. Hamamatsu, Japan. P.951-952.

61. Belyaev V.V. "New Types of Liquid Crystal Spatial Light Modulators" // // Proc.15th International Display Research Conference. 1995. Hamamatsu, Japan. P.933-934.

62. Belyaev V.V., Kuznetsov A.B., Ivanov S.A. "Control of Physical Properties of 4-Alkyl-4'-Alkoxytolanes" // Proc.15th International Display Research Conference. 1995. Hamamatsu, Japan. P.935-936.

63. Belyaev V.V., Chigrinov V.G., Kalashnikov A.Y., Kovtonyuk N.F. "Electrooptic response of a cell with two liquid crystalline layers" // Proc.SPIE Liquid Crystals : Physics, Technology and Applications. Vol.3318. P.402-405 (1997).

64. Belyaev V.V. Recent display developments in Russia and CIS countries // Proc.of the Conference Electronic Information Displays, Esher, England, 1998. V.1, 17th November 1998. P.55-64.

65. Belyaev V.V. Influence of LC molecular structure on their viscosities // Data Review Series. UK. 1999. 21 p.

66. Belyaev V.V., Kovtonyuk N.F., Kuznetsov A.B., Legezo S.L. Antidazzling glasses for driving // RF Patent 2082209, G02C7/10, Bulletin of Inventions of RF #17, 20.06.97.

67. Belyaev V.V., Devyatkin Y.V., Nazarenko V.G., Nosov G.B., Sonin A.S. Stereoglasses with composite and chiral liquid crystals // Vth International Symposium on Information Displays MINSK'96. Rakov, Belarus. 4-7 September 1996. Proc. P.176-178.

68. Belyaev V.V. Up-to-date light emission and modulation displays in Russia and other CIS countries // 7th International Symposium Advanced Display Technologies Minsk'98, December 1-5, 1998. Proc. P.13-33.

69. Tomilin M.G., Belyaev V.V. Status and Trends of Flat Panel Research in Russia // Proc.19th International Display Research Conference EuroDisplay'99, Berlin, Germany, September 6-9, 1999, pp.209-213.

70. Belyaev V.V., Volynsky A.L., Voronina E.E., Bazhenov S.F., Ivanov S.A., Chistovskaya L.I. Fabrication of Plastic Substrates with Controlled Relief for Optical Components and Light Weight FPD // 6th International Display Workshops IDW'99, Sendai, Japan, December 1-3, 1999, p.69-72.

71. Belyaev V.V., Blinov L.M., Rumyantsev V.G., Chigrinov V.G. Method of modulation for monochrome linear polarized light beam // USSR Author Certificate #678 966. MCI 2 : G02F1/13. Filed 1.08.1977.

72. Petrov V.F., Grebyonkin M.F., Barnik M.I., Belyaev V.V., Ivaschenko A.V., Loseva M.V., Chernova N.I., Grigos V.I., Kozunov V.A. Liquid crystal material for electro-optic devices // USSR Patent #1,295,732, 28.01.1992. MCI 4 : C09K3/34. Filed 11.06.1985.

73. Petrov V.F., Grebyonkin M.F., Barnik M.I., Belyaev V.V., Kovshev E.I., Ivaschenko A.V., Loseva M.V., Chernova N.I., Sevostyanov V.P., Molochko V.A. // USSR Patent #1,302,683, 28.01.1992. MCI 4 : C09K3/34. Filed 11.06.1985.

74. Adomenas P., Bezborodov V.S., Belyaev V.V., Ivanov S.A., Kovtonyuk N.F., Kuznetsov A.B., Paskonene R., Sheshkauskas V. Liquid crystal material with positive dielectric anisotropy // USSR Invention Application #4 821 615. MCI 5 : C09K19/40. Filed 03.05.1990. Positive decision 30.07.1991.

75. Adomenas P., Belyaev V.V., Bernotas R., Kuznetsov A.B., Odinokov S.B., Sheshkauskas V. Liquid crystal material with positive dielectric anisotropy for opto-electronic devices // USSR Invention Application #4 821 614. MCI 5 : C09K19/32. Filed 03.05.1990. Positive decision 30.07.1991.

76. Balenko V.G., Belyaev V.V., Blinov L.M., Mizin V.M. Laser with controllable Q-factor modulation // USSR Author Certificate #719 443. MCI 2 : H01S3/11. Filed 4.09.1978.

77. Belyaev V.V., Berestnev S.P., Kovtonyuk N.F., Filippov A.V. Liquid crystalline images transformer // USSR Author Certificate #1 492 967. MCI 4 : G02F1/135. Filed 23.10.1987.

78. Kovtonyuk N.F., Odinokov S.B., Sal'nikov E.N., Belyaev V.V., Annin S.N., Kupreichenko V.S. Images transformer // USSR Author Certificate #1 499 330. MCI 4 : G02F1/13, H01L31/04. Bulletin of USSR Inventions #29, 07.08.89. Filed 9.01.1987.

79. Antonov V.A., Belyaev V.V., Bykovsky Y.A., Kovtonyuk N.F., Larkin A.I., Odinokov S.B., Sal'nikov E.N., Shelyakov A.V. Spatial light modulator // USSR Author Certificate #1,623,464. MCI 5 : G02F1/135. Filed 30.10.1988.

80. Belyaev V.V., Odinokov S.B., Sal'nikov E.N., Annin S.N., Kovtonyuk N.F., Kupreichenko V.S., Gus'kov G.A. Device for images transformation // USSR Author Certificate #1436 688 . MCI 4 : G02F1/135. Filed 17.04.1987.

81. Annin S.N., Belyaev V.V., Kovtonyuk N.F., Kupreichenko V.S., Sal'nikov E.N. Device for images transformation // USSR Author Certificate #1482429. MCI : G02F1/135. Filed 22.01.89.

82. Annin S.N., Belyaev V.V., Kovtonyuk N.F., Kupreichenko V.S., Odinokov S.B., Parfenov A.V. Method of images substraction // USSR Author Certificate #1,540,526. MCI : G02F1/135. Filed 01.10.89.

83. Kuznetsov A.B., Kupreichenko V.S., Belyaev V.V., Odinokov S.B., Odinokov S.B., Annin S.N., Dolgikh A.V., Kovtonyuk N.F., Sal'nikov E.N., Khozhanov V.V., Ter-Ovanesov N.A. Device for images transformation // USSR Author Certificate #1,584,602. MCI : G02F1/135. Filed 16.12.88.

84. Annin S.N., Belyaev V.V., Berestnev S.P., Bondur V.G., Kovtonyuk N.F., Kupreichenko V.S., Odinokov S.B. Images transformer // USSR Author Certificate #1,591,685. MCI : G02F1/135. Filed 16.12.88.

Last updated on 17/05/01

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