Russian Liquid Crystal Society


PROF. Lev Mikhailovich BLINOV

List of principal publications (books, papers, patents)

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151. E.P.Pozhidayev, L.M.Blinov, L.A.Beresnev, V.V.Belyayev, The Dielectric Anomaly Near the Transition from the Smectic A* to Smectic C* Phase and Visco Elastic Properties of Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals, Mol. Cryst. Liq.Cryst. 124, 359-80 (1985).

152. N.M.Shtykov, M.I.Barnik, L.A.Beresnev, L.M.Blinov Study of ferroelectric liquid crystals using the second optical harmonic generation, Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst. 124, 379-90 (1985).

153. S.V.Yablonsky, L.M.Blinov, S.A.Pikin The electric current caused by a pulse flow of a liquid crystal, Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst. 127, 381-86 (1985).

154. V.A.Baikalov, L.A.Beresnev, L.M.Blinov The measurements of the tilt angle and optical anisotropy of ferroelectric liquid crystals, Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst. 127, 397-405 (1985).

155.A.I.Ivashchenko, L.M.Blinov et al. Electro-optical material, Romania patent # 85320 (1985).

156. A.I.Ivashchenko, L.M.Blinov et al. Electro-optical material, FRG patent # 3152228(1985).

157. N.V.Dubinin, L.M.Blinov, S.G.Yudin Quadratic Stark-effect and molecular orientation in polar Langmuir multilayers, Opt.Spektrosk.59, 92-95 (1985) (in Russ., Sov.Phys.Opt.Spectr.).

158. N.V.Dubinin, L.M.Blinov, S.G.Yudin Stark-effect as a tool for determination of the degree of ordering in Langmuir multilayers, in book Electronics of Organic Semiconductors, Acad.Sci.ed., 1985, p.149-53 (in Russ.).

159. Yu.B.Amerik, L.M.Blinov et al. A method for preparation of an optical element, USSR patent, # 1204057 (1985).

160. E.P.Pozhidayev, L.M.Blinov et al. Liquid crystalline smectic C matrix for electrooptical devices, USSR patent # 1202252 (1985).

161. A.I.Ivashchenko, L.M.Blinov et al. Anthraquinone derivatives...Canada patent # 1183532 (1985).

162. L.M.Blinov, S.P.Palto, S.G.Yudin Stark-effect in a system of two molecular sublattices, Opt.Spektrosk. 60, 756-59 (1986) (in Russ., Sov.Phys.Opt.Spectr.).

163. L.M.Blinov, V.T.Lazareva, L.V.Mikhnev, S.G.Yudin Direct observation of the intra molecular charge transfer, Dokl.Akad.Nauk SSSR 287, 367-70 (1986) (in Russ.,Engl.transl. in Sov.Phys.Doklady).

164. L.M.Blinov, M.F.Grebenkin, O.A.Korzan Ordnungsparameter der Orientierung verschiedener in einer nematischen Matrix gel"ster Molekle, Z.Chem. 26, 23-24 (1986).

165. L.M.Blinov, S.A.Pikin Liquid Crystalline State of Matter, Znaniye, Moscow,1986 (in Russ.)

166. O.A.Korzan, L.M.Blinov, L.S.Gorbatenko, M.F.Grebenkin, V.T.Lazareva Determination of the orientational order parameter of liquid crystals from the IR dichroism of different molecular groups, Kristallografiya 31, 543-49 (1986) (in Russ., Sov.Phys.Crystallography).

167. L.M.Blinov Electrohydrodynamic effects in liquid crystals, Sci.Progr.Oxf.70, 263-86(1986).

168. A.I.Ivashchenko, L.M.Blinov et al. Electro-optical material, GDR patent #237076 (1986).

169. S.P.Palto, S.G.Yudin, L.M.Blinov A system for measuring optical and electro-optical properties of solid Langmuir multilayers, Metrologiya #11, 27-31 (1986) (in Russ.).

170. M.V.Kozlovsky, L.A.Beresnev, L.M.Blinov, S.G.Kononov, V.P.Shibayev Spontaneous polarization in liquid crystalline monomer and its polymer, Fiz.Tverd.Tela 29, 98-102 (1987) (in Russ., Sov.Phys.Sol.State).

171. L.M.Blinov, V.A.Baikalov, M.I.Barnik, L.A.Beresnev, E.P.Pozhidayev, S.V.Yablonsky Experimental techniques for the investigation of ferroelectric liquid crystals, Liq.Cryst. 2, 121-30 (1987).

172. L.M.Blinov. E.I.Kats, A.A.Sonin Surface physics of thermotropic liquid crystals, Usp.Fiz. Nauk 152, 449-77 (1987) (in Russ., Sov.Phys.Uspekhi).

173. L.M.Blinov, L.V.Mikhnev, S.P.Palto, S.G.Yudin Polar Langmuir-Blodgett multistructures, in book Molecular Electronics, ed.M.Borissov, World Sci.,Singapore, 1987, p.575-92.

174. L.A.Beresnev, L.M.Blinov, S.A.Davidyan, S.G.Kononov, S.V.Yablonsky Direct measuring the flexoelectric polarization of nematic liquid crystals, Pis'ma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. 45, 592-94 (1987) (in Russ., Sov.Phys.JETP Lett.).

175. L.M.Blinov, V.N.Kopranenkov, S.P.Palto, S.G.Yudin Stark-effect and inter-molecular charge transfer in Langmuir films of porphirazine, Opt.Spektrosk. 62, 1068-75 (1987).

176. L.Bata, N.Eber, L.A.Beresnev, L.M.Blinov Measurement of spontaneous polarization of smectic C doped with a chiral additive, Preprint KFKI-1987-70/E (Budapest).

177. L.M.Blinov Electro-optics of liquid crystals, Usp.Fiz.Nauk. 152, 693-95 (1987)(in Sov.Phys.Uspekhi).

178. L.M.Blinov Physical properties and application of Langmuir films, Usp.Fiz.Nauk 152, 701-03 (1987) (in Sov.Phys.Uspekhi).

179. V.P.Shibayev, M.V.Kozlovsky, N.A.Plate, L.A.Beresnev, L.M.Blinov Ferroelectric liquid crystalline poly-methacrylats, Vysokomol.Soed. 29, 1470-75 (1987) (in Sov.Phys.High Mol.Weight Comp.).

180. L.A.Beresnev, L.M.Blinov, D.I.Dergachev, S.B.Kondrat'yev Electro-optical effect in a ferroelectric liquid crystal with a small helical pitch and high value of spontaneous polarization, Pis'ma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. 46, 328-30 (1987) (in Sov.Phys. JETP Lett.).

181. L.M.Blinov, A.Yu.Kabayenkov Temperature dependence and "size effect" for ancoring energy of a nematic oriented planarly on a solid substrate, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. 93, 1757-64 (1987) (in Sov.Phys.JETP).

182. L.M.Blinov ,A.A.Sonin Anisotropy and effective range of the van der Waals forces of the solid crystalline substrates investigated by means of liquid crystals, Langmuir 3, 660-61 (1987)

183. L.A.Beresnev, L.M.Blinov, M.A.Osipov, S.A.Pikin Ferroelectric liquid crystals, Mol.Cryst. Liq.Cryst.(Suppl) 158A, 1-150 (1988).

184. L.M.Blinov, S.P.Palto, S.G.Yudin Stark-efect in monomolecular and multimolecular Langmuir-Blodgett films, Opt.Spektrosk. 64, 579-84 (1988) (in Sov. Phys.Opt.Spectr.).

185. L.M.Blinov, A.I.Ivashchenko, S.P.Palto, S.G.Yudin Stark-spectroscopy of Langmuir-Blodgett monolayers and multilayers, Thin.Sol.Films 160, 271-78 (1988).

186. L.M.Blinov Langmuir films, Usp.Fiz.Nauk 155, 443-80 (1988) (in Sov.Phys. Uspekhi).

187. S.G.Yudin, L.M.Blinov et al. Equipment for deposition of multimolecular layers, USSR patent # 1373520 (1988).

188. L.A.Beresnev, L.M.Blinov, D.I.Dergachev, A.I.Zhindulis, I.S.Klimenko, S.I.Paeda, A.I.Sergeyev Photosensitive structure "photoconductor-feroelectric liquid crystal" Pis'ma Zh.Tekh.Fiz. 14, 263-66 (1988) (in Sov.Phys.Tech.Phys.Lett.).

189. E.P.Pozhidayev, M.A.Osipov, V.G.Chigrinov, V.A.Baikalov, L.A.Beresnev, L.M.Blinov Rotational viscosity of the smectic C phase of ferroelectric liquid crystals, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. 94, 125-32 (1988) (in Sov.Phys.JETP).

190. L.M.Blinov, A.A.Sonin Determination of the anchoring energy of a homeotropic nematiclayer from the measurements of the flexoelectric efect stabilized by a magnetic field, Poverkhnost' #10, 29-32 (1988) (in Sov.Phys.Surface).

191. L.M.Blinov, L.A.Beresnev, S.A.Davidyan, S.G.Kononov, S.V.Yablonsky Flexoelectric effects in liquid crystals, Ferroelectrics 84, 365-77 (1988).

192. L.A.Beresnev, L.M.Blinov, D.I.Dergachev Electro-optical response of a thin layer of a ferroelectric liquid crystal with a small pitch and high spontaneous polarization, Ferroelectrics 84, 173-86 (1988).

193. L.M.Blinov, S.A.Davidyan, A.G.Petrov, A.G.Todorov, S.V.Yablonsky Manifestation of ferroelectricity in a lyotropic liquid crystal with a chiral additive - structural analogue of a biomembrane, Pis'ma Zh.Eksp. Teor.Fiz. 48, 259-62 (1988) (in Sov.Phys.JETP Lett.).

194. R.A.Zeinalov, L.M.Blinov, M.F.Grebenkin, B.I.Ostrovsky, M.A.Saidakhmetov Peculiarities of the X-ray scattering in nematic mixtures of strongly and weakly polar compounds, Kristallografiya 33, 185-94 (1988) (in Sov.Phys.Crystallography).

195.L.M.Blinov, A.A.Sonin Measurements of birefringence in homeo-planar nematic samples as a tool for determination of the anchoring energy, Pis'ma Zh.Tekh.Fiz. 14, 1164-69 (1988) (in Sov. Phys. Tech.Phys.Lett.).

196. L.M.Blinov Molecules-mermaids, Nauka i Zhizn' #4, 80-88 (1989) (in Russ).

197. L.M.Blinov, S.P.Palto, S.G.Yudin Stark-spectroscopic technique for probing the local field in dielectric Langmuir-Blodgett films, J.Mol.Electr. 5, 45-51 (1989).

198. L.M.Blinov Noncentrosymmetric Langmuir-Blodgett films, Sov.Sci.Rev. (Phys.Ser.) 12, pt.1, 3-83(1989).

199. L.M.Blinov, M.F.Grebenkin, R.A.Zeinalov, B.I.Ostrovsky X-ray scattering in nematic mixtures of cyano-derivatives with the 4-n-trans-butylcyclohexancarboxylic acid, Kristallografiya 34, 398-405 (1989) (in Sov.Phys.Crysallography).

200. L.M.Blinov, A.A.Sonin, M.I.Barnik Determination of the anchoring energy of the homeotropic nematic layer from electro-optical and magneto-optical effects, Kristallografiya 34, 413-29 (1989) (in Sov.Phys.Crystallography).

201. L.M.Blinov, A.A.Sonin Interaction of nematics with solid crystal cleavages. Orientational bistability, Poverkhnost' #9, 105-13 (1989) (in Sov.Phys.Surface).

202. L.M.Blinov, A.Yu.Kabayenkov, V.V.Lebedev, A.A.Sonin The anchoring energy in the nematic and isotropic phases of liquid crystals, Izv.Akad.Nauk SSSR (ser.phys.) 53, 1948-61 (1989) (in Russ.Engl. transl. in Sov.Phys.Izvestiya).

203. L.M.Blinov, A.Yu.Kabayenkov, A.A.Sonin Experimental studies of the anchoring energy in nematic liquid crystals, Liq.Cryst. 5, 645-61 (1989).

204. L.A.Beresnev, L.M.Blinov Electro-optical effects in ferroelectric liquid crystals, Ferroelectrics 92, 335-43 (1989).

205. L.M.Blinov, S.P.Palto, A.A.Udal'yev, S.G.Yudin Measurements of local fields of molecular dipoles in Langmuir-Blodgett films, Thin.Sol.Films 179, 351-57 (1989).

206. L.M.Blinov, A.A.Sonin Interaction of nematic liquid crystals with anisotropic substrates, Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst. 173, 13-25 (1990).

207. L.M.Blinov, S.A.Davidyan, V.N.Reshetov, D.B. Subachus, S.V.Yablonsky Peculiarities of the Poiseuille flow in a flat capillary with an acoustically excited liquid crystal as an example, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. 97, 1597-1606 (1990)(in Russ.Engl. Sov.Phys.JETP).

208. L.M.Blinov, D.Z.Radzhabov, S.V.Yablonsky, S.S.Yakovenko Flexoelectric polarizati~ on and anchoring energy for a nematic liquid crystal in a hybrid cell, Nuovo Cimento 12D, 1353-62 (1990).

209. L.M.Blinov, L.A.Beresnev, D.Z.Radzhabov, S.S.Yakovenko A technique for local measuring the pyroelectric coefficient, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 191, 363-370 (1990).

210. L.M.Blinov, D.Z.Radzhabov, D.B.Subachyus, S.V.Yablonsky Determination of the anisotropic part of the surface thermodynamic potential for a nematic liquid crystal, Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 53, 223-227 (1991).

211. L.M.Blinov, D.B.Subachyus, S.V.Yablonsky The hydrodynamic of surface layers of nematic liqud crystals studied by modulation ellipsometry, J.Phys.II (Paris) 1, 459-469 (1991).

212. A.G.Petrov, A.T.Todorov, B.Bonev, L.M.Blinov, S.V.Yablonsky, D.B.Subachyus, N.Tvetkova Manifestation of ferroelectricity in lyotropics with chiral additives: bio~ membranes' analogs, Ferroelectrics 114, 415-427 (1991).

213. L.M.Blinov, S.P.Palto, A.A.Udal`ev, S.G.Yudin. Intra- and Inter- Molecular Charge Transfer: Stark- Spectroscopy, Photo-Induced Polarization and Pyroeffect in Organic Films. Mol. Engineering 1, 23 (1991).

214. L.M.Blinov, S.P.Palto, A.A.Udal`ev, Charge Transfer Optical Transitions in Films of Anthracene, Tetracene and Phthalocyanines from Stark Specroscopy Data, Mol.Mat. 1, 65-72 (1992).

215. L.M.Blinov, S.P.Palto, S.G.Yudin. Stark Spectroscopy and Dipole Ordering in Langmuir- Blodgett Films, Mol. Cryst. Liq.Cryst. 212, 1 (1992).

216. M.V.Kozlovsky, S.G.Kononov, K.Fodor-Csorba, L.M.Blinov, L.Bata. Chiral Smectic Side- Chain Polymers. 2.Pyroelectric Effect and Spontaneous Polarization. Eur.Polym.J. 28, 907-909 (1992).

217. L.M.Blinov, S.P.Palto, S.G.Yudin. Stark Spectroscopy of Langmuir- Blodgett Films. Mol.Mats. 1, 183-208 (1992).

218. L.Beresnev, M.Pfeiffer, S.Pikin, W.Haase, L.Blinov. Domain Mode - a Novel Relaxation Process in Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals. Ferroelectrics 132, 99 (1992)

219. L.M.Blinov, S.P.Palto, A.A.Udal`ev. Novel Modulation Technique for Measuring Absorption Spectra of Thin Films. Opt. Spektrosk. 72, 1423 (1992).

220. L.M.Blinov. Artificially Made Polar Structures. In "Nanostructures Based on Molecular Materials", eds. W.Goepel, Ch.Ziegler, VCH Weinheim, 1992, p.235

221. L.M.Blinov, G.Durand, S.V.Yablonsky. Curvature Oscillations and Linear Electro- Optical Effect in a Surface Layer of Nematic Liquid Crystals. J. Phys. II(France) 2, 1287 (1992).

222. S.P.Palto, L.M.Blinov, D.A.Khavrichev, S.G.Yudin, A.A.Udal`ev. On a Model of Photo-Induced Optical Anisotropy in Langmuir-Blodgett Films: Low Temperature Studies. Mol. Mats. 2, 63 (1992).

223. L.M.Blinov, A.A.Sonin, D.Z.Radzhabov, S.S.Yakovenko. Viscous Fingers and Wetting in Ferroelectric Smectics. Mol.Mats. 1, 161 (1992).

224. F.Tournilhac, L.M.Blinov, J.Simon, S.V.Yablonsky. Ferroelectric liquid Crystals from Achiral Molecules. Nature 359, 621 (1992).

225. L.M.Blinov, L.A.Beresnev, V.G.Chigrinov. Electrooptics of Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals. in "Physical Crystallography", Nauka, Moscow, 1992, p.211-253.

226. F.Tournilhac, L.M.Blinov, J.Simon, D.B.Subachius, S.V.Yablonsky. Physical Properties of Achiral Mesomorphic Ferroelectrics. Synthetic Metals 54, 253 (1993).

227. F.Tournilhac, L.Bosio, J.Simon, L.M.Blinov, S.V.Yablonsky. Synthesis of Polyphilic Compounds: Ferroelectricity of Nonchiral Mesophases. Liq. Cryst. 14, 405 (1993).

228.S.P.Palto, L.M.Blinov, S.Yudin, G.Grewer, M.Loesche, M.Schoenhof. Photoinduced Optical Anisotropy in Organic Molecular Films Controlled by an Electric Field. Chem. Phys. Lett. 202, 308-14 (1993).

229.L.M.Blinov, G.Grewer, M.Loesche, A.Lopatkin, S.P.Palto, A.A.Udal`ev. Stark Spectroscopy of Orga- nic Semiconductors: Comparison of Cu-phthalocyanine and Lu-diphthalocyanine. Mol. Mat. 2, 127 (1993).

230. L.M.Blinov, W.Haase. Electro-Optical Properties of Polymer Liquid Crystals. Mol. Mat.2, 145 (1993).

231. L.M.Blinov, T.A.Lobko, B.I.Ostrovsky, S.N.Sulianov, F.Tournilhac. Smectic Layering in Polyphilic Liquid Crystals: X-ray Diffraction and Infra-Red Dichroism Study. J.Phys.II France, 3, 1121-1139 (1993).

232. L.M.Blinov, F.Tournilhac. Infrared Dichroism of Mesophases formed by polyphilic compounds. 1. Deve-lopment of Technique and Study of Compounds with One Long Perfluorinated Tail. Mol. Mat. 3, 93 (1993).

233. L.M.Blinov, F.Tournilhac. Infra-Red Dihroism of Mesophases Formed by Polyphilic Molecules. 2. Study of Compounds with Two Long Perfluorinated Tails. Mol.Mat.3, 169 (1993).

234. L.M.Blinov, V.G.Chigrinov. "Electrooptic Effects in Liquid Crystal Materials". Springer Verlag, New York, 1993. 464p.

235. L.M.Blinov, F.Tournilhac. Ferroelectric Properties of the Chiral Smectic C* Mixture Based on a Polyphilic Compound. Ferroelectrics 148, 111 (1993).

236. L.M.Blinov, S.G.Kononov, F.Tournilhac. Ferroelectric Properties of the Chiral mixture III* Based on a Polyphilic Compound. Mol. Mat. 3, 229 (1994).

237. M.I.Barnik, L.M.Blinov, S.P.Palto, A.A.Tevosov, Th.Weyrauch. Stark Spectroscopy (Electroabsorption) as a Tool for Characterization of Poled Polymers for Nonlinear Optics. Mol. Mat. 3, 319 (1994).

238. L.M.Blinov. Ferroelectric Properties of a Standard Ferroelectric Mixture. In "ModernTopics in Physics" ed.A.Buka, World Scientific, Singapore, 1994, p.337.

239. M.I.Barnik, L.M.Blinov,Th.Weyrauch, S.P.Palto, A.Tevosov, W.Haase. Photoassisted Poling of Polymer Materials Studied by Stark Spectroscopy (Electroabsorption) Technique.Chem Phys. Lett. 231, 246 (1994).

240. M.I.Barnik, L.M.Blinov, W.Haase, S.P.Palto, A.A.Tevosov, T.Weyrauch. Stark Spectroscopy as a Tool for Characterization of Nonlinear Optical Materials. Polymer Preprints, 35, 158 (1994).

241. L.M.Blinov, S.P.Palto, G.Ruani, C.Taliani, A.Tevosov, S.Yudin, R.Zambony. Location of charge transfer states in *-sexithienyl determined by the electroabsorption technique. Chem Phys. Lett. 232, 401 (1995).

242. S.Palto, L.Blinov, A.Bune, E.Dubovik, V.Fridkin, N.Petukhova, K.Verkhovskaya, S.Yudin. Ferroelectric Langmuir-Blodgett Films. Ferroelectric Lett. 19, 65 (1995).

243., L.M.Blinov, M.I.Barnik, A.Mazzula, C.Umeton. Photoinduced Dichroism and Light Induced Torque in Absorbing Liquid Crystals, Mol. Mat. 5, 237 (1995).

244. M.I.Barnik, L.M.Blinov, T.Weyrauch, , S.P.Palto, A.A.Tevosov, W.Haase. Stark Spectroscopy as a Tool for the Characterization of Poled Polymers for Nonlinear Optics. In book Polymers for Second Order Nonlinear Optics, G.Lindsay and K.D.Singer eds., Am. Chem. Soc. Symp. Series 601, Washington, DC, 1995 (Chapter 21, p.288-303.

245. B.I. Ostrovsky, F.G.Tournilhac, L.M.Blinov, W.Haase. Evidence of tilted dimeric mesophase for terminally polar polyphilic mesogens, J.Phys.II France, 5, 979 (1995)

246. L.M. Blinov, S.P. Palto, A.A. Tevosov, M.I. Barnik, T. Weyrauch , W. Haase. Electrically and photoelectrically poled polymers for nonlinear optics: Chromophores' polar order and its relaxation studied by electroabsorption. Mol. Mat. 5, 311 (1995).

247. L.M.Blinov, L.A.Beresnev, W.Haase. Tilt angle, polarization, susceptibility and landau expansion coefficients for multicomponent ferroelectric liquid crystal mixtures, Ferroelectrics, 174, 221-239 (1995).

248. Soto Bustamante,E.A., Yablonskii,S.V., Beresnev,L.A., Blinov,L.M., Haase,W., Dultz,W., and Galyametdinov,Yu.G., Methode zur Herstellung von polymeren pyroelektrischen und piezoelektrischen Elementen, Deutsche Patent Nr. 195 47 934.3 dated on 22.12.1995.

249. A.Bune, S.Ducharme, V.M. Fridkin, L.M. Blinov, S.P. Palto, N.Petukhova and S.G.Yudin. Novel Switching Phenomena in Ferroelectric Langmuir- Blodgett Films. Appl. Phys. Lett. 67, 3975-77 (1995).

250. W.Haase, S.Grossman, S.Saal, T.Weyrauch, L.M.Blinov. Efficiency of Photoassisted Poling of Azobenzene, Stilbene and Biphenyl Dyes as Studied by Stark Spectroscopy. In "Organic Thin Films for Photonic Applications, Technical Digest Series, Opt. Soc. of America, 21, 505-508 (1995).

251. A.Sorokin, S. Palto, L. Blinov, V. Fridkin, S.Yudin. Ultrathin Ferroelectric Langmuir-Blodgett Films. Mol. Mat. 6, 61-67 (1996).

252. L.M.Blinov, K.A.Verkhovskaya, S.P.Palto, A.Sorokin. Local field in ferroelectrics: direct measurements with an optical probe. Appl. Phys. Lett. 68, 2369-71 (1996).

253. L.M.Blinov, Photoinduced molecular reorientation in polymers, liquid crystals and Langmuir-Blodgett films, J.Nonlinear Opt. Phys. and Materials 5, 165-187 (1996).

254. L.M.Blinov, L.A.Beresnev, W.Haase. Field dependence of the static soft mode susceptibility at the SmA-SmC* phase transition. Ferroelectrics 181, 187-200 (1996).

255. L.M.Blinov, L.A.Beresnev, W.Haase. Field induced polarization in the nematic phase near the N-C* phase transition. Ferroelectrics 181, 211-218 (1996).

256. S.A.Pikin, L.M.Blinov, L.A.Beresnev, S.Hiller, E.Schumacher, B.I.Ostrovsky, W.Haase Structural and Pyroelectric Investigations of Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals with Dislocation Domain Walls, Ferroelectrics 181, 111-124 (1996).

257. S. Palto, L. Blinov, E. Dubovik, V. Fridkin, N. Petukhova, A.Sorokin, K. Verkhovskaya, S.Yudin, A. Ferroelectric Langmuir-Blodgett Films Showing Bistable Switching, Europhys. Lett. 34, 465-470 (1996).

258. L. Blinov, K. Verkhovskaya, S. Palto, A.Sorokin, A.Tevosov. Local Field in Polymer Ferroelectric and its Influence on ordering of Dye Molecules. Kristallografiya 41, 328-334 (1996).

259. E.A.Soto Bustamante, S.V.Yablonski, B.I.Ostrovskii, L.A.Beresnev, L.M.Blinov and W.Haase. Antiferroelectric achiral Mesogenic Polymer. Chem: Phys: Lett. 260, 447-52 (1996).

260. E..Soto Bustamante, S.V.Yablonskii, B.I.Ostrovskii, L.A.Beresnev, L.M.Blinov, and W.Haase. Antiferroelectric behaviour of achiral mesogenic polymer mixtures. Liq. Cryst. 21, 829-39 (1996).

261. L. Blinov, K. Verkhovskaya, S. Palto, A.Sorokin, A.Tevosov.. Reorientation of a Dye on Switching the Host Ferroelectric Polymer. Izv. Akad. Nauk (ser. phys) 60, 171-6 (1996).

262. Blinov L.M., Kozlovsky M.V., Nakayama K., Ozaki M., Yoshino K. Effect of the trans-cis isomerization of a chiral azo-dye on the dye induced ferroelectricity in an achiral liquid crystal. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.I, 35, 5405-10 (1996)

263. Blinov L.M., Kozlovsky M.V., Ozaki M., Yoshino K. Photochromism of azo-dyes and effect of liquid crystalline ordering on its efficiency and kinetics. Mol. Mat., 6, 235-52 (1996).

264. S. Palto, L. Blinov, V. Fridkin, N. Petukhova, A.Sorokin, K. Verkhovskaya, S.Yudin Ferroelectric Polymer Langmuir Films. Thin Sol. Films 284-285, 469-73 (1996).

265. S. Palto, L. Blinov, V. Fridkin, N. Petukhova, A.Sorokin, K. Verkhovskaya, S.Yudin. Thickness Dependence of Switching in Ferroelectric Langmuir Films Thin Sol. Films 284-285, 474-76 (1996).

266. L.M.Blinov, L.A.Beresnev, D.Demus, S.V.Iablonskii and S :A :Pikin. Landau expansion coefficients for a ferroelectric liquid crystal showing a polarization sign inversion. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 292, 277-92 (1997).

267. L.M.Blinov, Electric Field Effects in Liquid Crystals. Handbook of Liquid Crystal Research, ed. P.Collings and J.Patel, Oxford Univ. Press, 1997, pp.125-178.

268. L.M.Blinov, M.V.Kozlovsky, W.Haase, M.Ozaki and K.Yoshino. Photochromism of a Chiral Dye for Liquid Crystal Application Mol.Mat. 8, 327-338 (1997).

269. S.Pikin, L.Blinov, A.Biradar, K.Saxena, L.Beresnev and W.Haase. Surface Tension Effects in Thin FLC Films, Mol. Mat. 9, 87-108 (1997).

270. L.M.Blinov. Physical Properties of Smectic Mesophases. Tutorial Lectures (Special Volume, pp. 23-50), Brest, France, 1997.

271. L.A.Beresnev, L.M.Blinov, S.Grossmann. K. Saxena, and W.Haase, Landau expansion coefficients realted to second order SmA-SmC* transition for ferroelectric liquid crystal mixtures composed from achiral matrix and chiral dopants. 3. Dependence on molecular structure of chiral dopants Ferroelectrics 200, 51-63 (1997).

272. K.Saxena, L.M.Blinov, L.A.Beresnev and W.Haase, Landau expansion coefficients related to second order Sma-Smc* transition for ferroelectric liquid crystal mixtures composed from an achiral matrix and chiral dopants. 1. Decrease of Landau Elastic Coefficient * for Small Concentration of a Chiral Dopant. Ferroelectrics 200, 21-35 (1997).

273. K. Saxena, L.A.Beresnev, L.M.Blinov and W.Haase, Landau expansion coefficients realted to second order Sma-Smc* transition for ferroelectric liquid crystal mixtures composed from achiral matrix and chiral dopants. 2. Influence of Cell Thickness on the Apparent Values of Landau Coefficients in FLC Mixtures, Ferroelectrics 200, 37-49 (1997).

274. L.M. Blinov, S. Okazaki, M. Ozaki and K. Yoshino Soft-Mode Relaxation Times in Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals Measured by a Pulse Pyroelectric Technique. Mol. Mat. 9, 163-80 (1998).

275. L.M.Blinov, On the Way to Polar Achiral Liquid Crystals, Liq.Cryst 24, 143-152 (1998)

276. L.M.Blinov (Review) Behaviour of Liquid Crystals in Electric and Magnetic Fields, Handbook of Liquid Crystals, eds. D.Demus, J.Goodby, G.W.Gray, H.-W. Spiess and V.Vill, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, pp.477-534 (1998).

277. S.Ducharme, A.Bune, L.Blinov, V.Fridkin, S.Palto, A.Sorokin, S.Yudin, Critical Point in Ferroelectric Langmuir-blodgett Polymer Films. Phys. Rev. B 57, 25-28 (1998).

278. A.Bune, V.Fridkin, S.Ducharme, L.Blinov, S.Palto, A.Sorokin, S.Yudin, A.Zlatkin. Two-dimensional Ferroelectric Films. Nature 391, 874-7 (1998).

279. Y.Marinov, N.Shonova, L.M.Blinov, A.G.Petrov. Photoflexoelectric Effects In Homeotropic Guest-Host Nematics, Europhys. Lett. 41, 513-518 (1998).

280. P.Bassoul, F.Tournilhac, J.Simon, M.I.Barnik and L.M.Blinov. Transient Current Measurements in Molecular Materials : Novel Procedure for the Data Treatment, Mol. Materials 9, 271-287 (1998).

281. L.M.Blinov, S.P.Palto, D.G. Sikharulidze and S.V.Yakovlev, Asymmetric electrooptical switching of a nematic cell controlled by a corona poled ferroelectric polymer layer. Appl. Phys. Lett., 72, 3377-79 (1998).

282. L.M.Blinov, G.Cipparrone, S.P.Palto, N.M.Shtykov and S.G.Yudin, Liquid Crystal orientation by Photosensitive Langmuir-Blodgett Films, Mol. Mats. 9, 363-373 (1998).

283. L.M. Blinov, M. Ozaki, S.Okazaki and K.Yoshino, Direct Measurements by the Pulse Pyroelectric Technique of the Soft-Mode Relaxation Times on Both Sides of the Smectic A -C* Transition, Ferroelectrics 212, 37-44 (1998).

284. L.M.Blinov, L.A.Beresnev, D.Demus, S.V.Iablonskii and S :A :Pikin. Landau expansion coefficients for a ferroelectric liquid crystal showing a polarization sign inversion. In "Dynamics and Defects in Liquid Crystals : a Festschrift in Honor of A.Saupe" Eds. P.E.Cladis and P.Palffy-Muhoray, Gordon & Breach, 1998, pp.305-320.

285. K.Saxena, L.A.Beresnev, L.M.Blinov, S.Pikin and W.Haase. Electroclinic and Induced Biaxiality Effects in New FLC Mixtures. Ferroelectrics, 213, 73-80 (1998).

286. R. Bartolino, N. Scaramuzza, E.E.Barna, A.Th.Ionescu, L.A.Beresnev and L.M.Blinov, Pyroelectric properties of polymer dispersed ferroelectric liquid crystals, J. Appl. Phys. 84, 2835-40 (1998).

287. L.M.Blinov, G. Cipparrone, S.P. Palto. Phase Grating Recording on Photosensitive Langmuir-Blodgett Films, J.Nonlinear Opt. Phys. and Materials 7, 369-83 (1998).

288. L.M. Blinov, M.V. Kozlovsky, M. Ozaki, K. Skarp and K. Yoshino. Photo-induced dichroism and optical anisotropy in a liquid crystalline azobenzene side chain polymer caused by anisotropic angular distribution of trans and cis isomers. J. Appl. Phys. 84, 3860-66 (1998).

289. R.C.Advincula, W.Knoll, L.Blinov and C.W.Frank, Langmuir and Langmuir-Blodgett-Kuhn Films of Poly(vinylidene fluoride) and Poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-trifluoroethylene) Alternated with Poly(methyl methacrylate) and Poly(octadecyl methacrylate), In "Organic Thin Films, Structure and Applications" (C.Frank ed.), ACS Symposium Series, v. 695, 192-205 (1998).

290. L.M.Blinov, M.Ozaki and K.Yoshino, Flexoelectric Polarization in Nematic Liquid Crystals Measured by Field ON-OFF Pyroelectric Technique. Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 69, 220-25 (1999).

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