Жидкокристаллическое общество
В этом разделе сайта мы решили рассказать о людях, усилиями которых
были достигнуты успехи в науке о мезофазе
D. Sikharulidze (04.04.1947 – 11.09.2008)
Sikharulidze graduated in cybernetics from the Physical Faculty of Georgian State University.
D. Sikharulidze received his candidate (Ph.D., 1980) and Doctor of Science (1995)
degrees in Physics and Mathematics.
In 1970 D.Sikharulidze joined the Institute of Cybernetics Academy of Sciences of Georgian SSR as a Research Fellow and in 1986 he became the head of laboratory of the Department of Optically Controlled Anisotropic Systems.
In 1989 Sikharulidze together with the group of scientists was awarded the Georgian State Prize in the field of Science and Technology for their investigations on 'Induced Chiral Liquid Crystal Structures in Optical Data Processing Systems'.
The scientific interest of D.Sikharulidze mostly was related to liquid crystal image convereters using different electroptic effects [1-6,19]. Also he investigated the electrooptic
[7-11,13,15,17,18,21,22,26] and photooptic [12,14,16,20,25] effects in liquid crystals.
He is co-author of 2 books [27,28] and USSR patent [29].
D.Sikharulidze collaborated with scientists of Germany (Technische Universitat Berlin) and Italy (University of Calabria, Rende).
In 2000 he moved to Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Bristol, UK.
List of the main Publications
1. G.S.Chilaya ,D.G.Sikharulidze, Effect of “memory” of cholesteric-nematic phase transition in liquid crystals with symmetric structure semiconductor-dielectric, Pysma JTF, 4, 384-387,1978
2.G.S.Chilaya ,D.G.Sikharulidze, M.I.Brodzeli, Liquid crystal image converter based on the cholesteric-nematic phase transition with storage, Journal de Physique, C-3, 40, 274-277,1979
3. D.G.Sikharulidze, G.S.Chilaya, M.I.Brodzeli, Liquid crystal incoherent-to-coherent image converter based on the semiconductor-insulator type structure, Kvantovaya Electronica, 6,1271-1277,1979
4. A.Chanishvili, G.Chilaya and D.Sikharulidze, Light modulator based on optically active nematic-chiral structure, Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., 207, 53-57, 1991
5. G.Chilaya and D.Sikharulidze, Induced ferroelectric salicylideneanyline liquid crystals: electrooptical properties and applications, Ferroelectrics, 114, 329-343, 1991
6. A.Chanishvili, G.Chilaya and D.Sikharulidze, Electrooptic effect in an optically active nematic chiral structure, Appl. Optics, 33, 3482-3485,1994
7.G.Chilaya, A.Chanishvili, D.Sikharulidze, Optically active (cholesteric with intermediate chirality) LC structure for light modulation, Proc. SPIE, 2372,96-99,1995
8.G.Chilaya, A, Chanishvili, G.Petriashvili and D.Sikharulidze, Anomalous selective reflection at cholesteric to nematic phase transition, Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst. 261, 233-239,1995
9.G.Chilaya, G.Hauck, H.D.Koswig and D.Sikharulidze, Electric field controlled color effect in cholesteric liquid crystals and polymer-dispersed cholesteric liquid crystals, J.Appl.Phys. 80, 907-1909, 1996
10.G.Chilaya, G.Hauck, H.D.Koswig, G.Petriashvili, D.Sikharulidze , Field induced increase of pitch in planar cholesteric liquid crystals, Cryst. Res. Technol., 32 , 401-405, 1997
11.G.Chilaya, G.Petriashvili, A.Chanishvili, D.Sikharulidze, New pretransitional liquid crystal phase with anomalous selective reflection, Mol. Materials, 8, 245-255, 1997
12.D.Sikharulidze,G.Chilaya, K.Praefcke, D.Blunk, First observation of an optically controlled electrooptic effect in nematic discotic liquid crystals, Liq. Crystals, 23, 439-442, 1997
13.A.Chanishvili, D.Sikharulidze, G.Chilaya, G.Petriashvili, Electrooptics of "amorphous" cholesteric structure with intermediate chirality, Mol.Materials, 8, 295-299, 1997
14.R.Macdonald, P.Meindl,G.Chilaya, D.Sikharulidze, Photo-excitation of space charge fields of a nematic liquid crystal of discotic molecules, Optics Commun., 150, 195-200, 1998
15.G.Chilaya, G.Hauck, H.D.Koswig and D.Sikharulidze, Cholesteric liquid crystals in applied electric fields: structural transformations and applications, Proc. SPIE, 3318, 351-357, 1998
16. R.Macdonald, P.Meindl,G.Chilaya, D.Sikharulidze, Reorientation of a nematic liquid crystal of discotic molecules by photoinduced space charge fields, Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst, 1998, 320, 115-126
17. Петриашвили Г., Сихарулидзе Д., Чанишвили А., Чилая Г. // Кристаллография 1999. Т. 44. № 5. С. 908-912.
G.Petriashvili, D.Sikharulidze, A.Chanishvili, G.Chilaya, Different factors affecting formation of blue phases, Crystallography Reports, 1999, V 44, #5, 908-912.
18.G.Sh. Petriashvili, D.G.Sikharulidze, S.P.Tavzarashvili, A.A.Khatiashvili, A.G.Chanishvili, G.S.Chilaya, Electrooptic effect an optically active liquid-crystal structure, Georgian engineering, news, 1999, #4, 91-92.
19. M.N.Aronishidze, G.Sh.Petriashvili, D.G.Sikharulidze, K.G.Tevdorashvili, A.G.Chanishvili, G.Chilaya, Infrared image liquid-crystal converters, Georgian engineering news, 1999, #4, 135-136.
20. D.Sikharulidze, A.Tchanishvili, G.Petriashvili, N.Scaramuzza, R.Barberi and R.Bartolino. "Polarity sensitive bistable color effect in cholesteric liquid crystals with an asymmetric polymer network", Applied Physics Letters, V.75, No.7, 1013-1014, 1999
21. M.N.Aronishidze, G.Sh.Petriashvili, D.G.Sikharulidze, S.P.Tavzarashvili K.G.Tevdorashvili, A.A.Khatiashvili, A.G.Chanishvili, G.Chilaya, Electrooptical characteristics of blue phase II, Georgian engineering news, 2000, #3, 45-46
22.M.Aronishidze, A.Chanishvili, G.Chilaya, A.Khatiashvili, G.Petriashvili, 22. 23.D.Sikharulidze, S.Tavzarashvili, K.Tevdorashvili, Electrooptical effects in blue phases of cholesteric liquid crystals, in Advanced Display Technologies: Basic Studies of
Problems in Information Display (FLOWERS 2000), edited by V. V. Belyaev and I. N. Kompanets, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 4511, 108-112, 2001.
24. A.Chanishvili, D.Sikharulidze, G.Chilaya, G.Petriashvili, Light induced effects in cholesteric mixtures with azoxycompound nematic host, In Advanced Display Technologies, A.Smirnov, Editor, Proceedings of the 10th International SID Symposium "Advanced display technologies", Sept. 2001, Minsk, Belarus, P.42-45 (2001)
25.A.Chanishvili, G.Chilaya, G.Petriashvili and D.Sikharulidze, “Light induced effects in cholesteric mixtures with a photosensitive nematic host", Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., V.409, 2004, P.209-218
26.Barberi R. C. , Ciuchi F. , Durand G. , Iovane M. , Sikharulidze D. , Sonnet A. , Virga E. G. , " Electric field induced order reconstruction in a nematic cell". The European Physical Journal E, 2004, V.13, P.61-71
27. Д.Г. Сихарулидзе, Г.С. Чилая, Преобразователи изображениий типа МДП-Электрооптический материал. 1986, Радио и Связь, Москва
D.G.Sikharulidze, G.S.Chilaya, Image transducers based on MIS-Electrooptical material structures, Radio iswiaz, Moscow, 1986 (in Russian)
28. Винокур К.Д., Сихарулидзе Д.Г., Чилая Г.С., Элашвили З.М. // Жидкие кристаллы с геликоидальной структурой и их использование в системах отображения информции 1988, Мецниереба, Тбилиси
K.D.Vinokur; D.G.Sikharulidze, G.S.Chilaya, Z.M.Elashvilui, Liquid crystals with helical structure and their applications in displays, Metsniereba, Tbilisi, 1988 (in Russian)
29.Бродзели М.И., Ковтонюк Н.Ф., Полян Р.А.,Чавчанидзе В.В., Сихарулидзе Д.Г Чилая Г.С. А.C. № 580778. (СССР). регистр. 1977. приор. 1975. БИ.1985.№32
Author s certificate, № 580778, Field 30 07.1975
Z. Elashvili (15.05.1934 – 09.04.2008)
In 1963 Z. Elashvili joined the Institute of Cybernetics Academy of Sciences of Georgian SSR as a Research Fellow and in 2002 he became a Chief Researcher.
In 1968 he defended the Candidate Degree and in 1993 he defended the Doctoral Degree.
In 1989 Z.M.Elashvili together with the group of scientists was awarded the Georgian State Prize in the field of Science and Technology for their investigations on 'Induced Chiral Liquid Crystal Structures in Optical Data Processing Systems'
The scientific interest of Z.Elashvilily was mostly related to synthesis of nonmesomorphic optically active dopants. He first time synthesize the l-menthol derivatives and natural product tigogenin derviatives. Was investigated helical twiting power (HTP) and temperature dependence of induced cholesteric systems.
He is a co-author of book [25] and USSR patents [26-28].
List of the main Publications
1. Элашвили 3., Чилая Г.С, Аронишидзе С., Бродзели М.И., Джапаридзе К. Г.— Сообщ. АН ГССР, 1976, т. 81, с. 105.
Z.M.Elashvili, G.S.Chilaya, S.N.Aronishidze, M.I.Brodzeli, K.G.Djaparidze, Synthesis and studies of liquid crystal characteristics of some chiral p-alkoxybezylidene (p’-isopentacyl) anilines, Bulletin of Ac. of Sci. Of Georgian SSR, 81, 105-108, 1976 (in russ.)
2. Топчиашвили Э Е., Элашвили 3., Чилая Г.С., Мусеридзе М. Д., Дзоценидзе 3. Г.—Сообщ. АН ГССР, 1976, т. 83,с. 101.
E.E.Topchiashvili,M.Elashvili,G.S.Chilaya,M.D.Museridze, Z.G.Dzotsenidze,
The induction of chiral structure in nematic Liquid crystals, Bulletin of Ac. of Sci. Of Georgian SSR, 83, 101-104, 1976 (in russ.)
3. Чилая Г.С, Аронишидзе С., Элашвили 3., Кушниренко М.Н., Бродзели М.И.— Сообщ. АН ГССР, 1976, т. 84, с. 81.
G.S.Chilaya, S.N.Aronishidze, Z.M.Elashvili, M.N.Kushnirenko, M.I.Brodzeli,
Investigation of the parameters of the racemic and optically active forms of the liquid cristal, Bulletin of Ac. of Sci. Of Georgian SSR, 84, 81-84, 1976 (in russ.)
4. S.N.Aronishidze,M.N.Kushnirenko, T.S.Piliashvili, G.S.Chilaya, Z.M.Elashvili,
Investigation of smectic A Liquid crystal, Bulletin of Ac. of Sci. Of Georgian SSR, 89, 333-336, 1978 (in russ.)
5.Z.M.Elashvili, M.D.Mkhatvrishvili, T.S.Piliashvili G.S.Chilaya, K.G.Djaparidze,
Viscosity of nematic-chiral mixtures and electrooptical characteristics,
Journal de Physique, C-3, 40, 22-24,1979
6.Z.M.Elashvili, T.S.Piliashvili G.S.Chilaya, K.G.Djaparidze, Synthese von (-)-mentholakaemmlingen und die untersuchung ihres einflusses auf die induzierung der spirale in nematischen fluessigkristallen, Z.Chem.19, 453-454,1979
7.G.S.Chilaya,Z.M.Elashvili, T.S.Piliashvili, K.D.Vinokur, .L.N.Lisetski, Influence of optically active dopant nature on pitch-temperature dependencies in induced cholesteric mesophases, Advances in LC Research and Applications, Ed L.Bata,Pergamon Press, Oxford-Budapest, 1980, pp 1185-1189.
8. G.S.Chilaya,Z.M.Elashvili,S.P.Ivchenko, L.N.Lisetski, K.D.Vinokur, .Translational phase transition in systems nematic + optically active dopant: unwinding of cholesteric helix, Advances in LC Research and Applications, Ed L.Bata,Pergamon Press, Oxford-Budapest, 1980, pp 1191-1196
9. G.S.Chilaya,Z.M.Elashvili, L.N.Lisetski,T.S.Piliashvili, K.D.Vinokur, Induced cholesteric systems: helix pitch dependence on temperature and concentration, Mol. Cryst. Liq.Cryst.,74, 261-273,1981
10. G.S.Chilaya,Z.M.Elashvili,S.P.Ivchenko, K.D.Vinokur, New nematic-chiral mixtures for aplication in thermography, Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., 106, 67-71, 1984
11. G.S.Chilaya,Z.M.Elashvili, L.N.Lisetski , M.D.Mkhatvrishvili, K.D.Vinokur,
Experimental evidence of permiation effects in induced cholesteric systems, Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst.,124, 333-342,1985
12. G.S.Chilaya, C.Destrade, Z.M.Elashvili, S.P.Ivchenko, L.N.Lisetski ,Nguyen Huu Tinh, K.D.Vinokur, Helical twisting in reentrant nematic mixtures with optically active dopants, J. Physique Lett., 46, 75-78, 1985
13. K.D.Vinokur, M.A.Gogadze, K.G.Djaparidze, . G.S.Chilaya,Z.M.Elashvili, Investigation of nematto-chiral mixtures with optically active salicilidenanilies, Izvestia of Georgian Ac. Of Sciences (ser. Chem.),11,186-190, 1985
14. Болотин Б.М., Винокур К.Д., Гогадзе М.А,, Наркевич Ю.С.,Рабинович А.З., Чилая Г.С., Элашвили З.М. ЖТФ. 1987, 57,1845.
B.M.Bolotin, K.D.Vinokur, M.A.Gogadze, , Iu.S.Narkevich, A.Z.Rabinovich, G.S.Chilaya, Z.M.Elashvili, Induced ferroelectric smectic liquid crystal with optimal characteristics, Zh.Tekh.Fiz.,57,1845-1847, 1987 (Sov.Phys.Tech.Phys. 32,1107,1987
15.G.S.Chilaya, Z.M.Elashvili, M.N.Kushnirenko , K.D.Vinokur, B.M.Bolotin, N.I.Chernova, M.V.Loseva, Induced ferroelectric liquidcrystalline salicylidenanilines,
Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., 150 b, 169-175, 1987
16.G.S.Chilaya, C.Destrade, Z.M.Elashvili, B.A.Loginov , Nguyen Huu Tinh, K.D.Vinokur,Ferroelectric liquid crystal mixtures induced by L-menthol derivatives,
Ferroelectrics, 85, 479-484, 1988
17. K.D.Vinokur, E.I.Vashakidze, K.G.Djaparidze,T.Zurabishvili, S.P.Tavzarashvili, G.Sh.Chelidze, L.Ckhikvishvili. G.S.Chilaya,Z.M.Elashvili, Thermoindicator polymer films, contained of nematto-chiral liquid crystal mixtures, Izvestia of Georgian Ac. of Sciences (ser. Chem.), 15, 154-156, 1989
18. G.S.Chilaya, Z.M.Elashvili, M.A.Gogadze, S.P.Tavzarashvili, K.D.Vinokur, S.A.Pikin, The effect of pretransitional phenomena on the characteristics of the induced ferroelectric liquid crystalline systems, Liquid crystals 5, 1195-1202, 1989
19. Винокур К.Д., Пикин С.А., Тавзарашвили С.П., Чилая Г.С.,Элашвили З.М. Кристаллография. 1990, 35, 127.
K.D.Vinokur, S.A.Pikin, S.P.Tavzarashvili, G.S.Chilaya, Z.M.Elashvili,
Influence of pretransitional phenomena on the characteristics of liquid crystal systems,
Kristallografiya 35, 127-133, 1990 (Sov. Phys. Crystallogr. 35, 76, 1990)
20, M.D.Mkhatvrishvili, Z.M.Elashvili, G.S.Chilaya, Measurements of viscoelastic modules of blue phases, Pys’ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 1536-39, 1989
21. G.S.Chilaya, Z.M.Elashvili, M.A.Gogadze, K.G.Djaparidze S.P.Tavzarashvili, K.D.Vinokur, Influence of molecular structure of optically active dopant o0n spontaneous polarization value in induced ferroelectric systems, Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., 192, 291-294, 1990
22. G.Chilaya, Z.Elashvili, D.Sikharulidze, S.Tavzarashvili, K.Tevdorashvili, K.Vinokur, Thermostabilized electrooptical liquid crystalline systems with induced chiral structures, Mol.Cryst.Liq.Cryst., 209, 93-97, 1991
23.K. Japaridze, Z. Elashvili, L. Devadze, N. Sepashvili, M. Katsiashvili, THE POSSIBLE STRUCTURAL MODEL OF LIQUID-CRYSTALLINE ST PHASE
Proceedings of the Institute of Cybernetics . Vol. 2, N1-2, 2002
24.К. Г. Джапаридзе, З. М. Элашвили, Л. В. Девадзе, Н. О. Сепашвили, М. Р. Кациашвили , Особенности фазового поведения жидкокристаллических смесей на границе перехода холестерик-смектик (Ch --> Sm), Кристаллография 51, # 3, C.530 , 2006
K. G. Japaridze, Z. M.;lashvili, L. V. Devadze, N. O. Sepashvili, and M. R. Katsiashvili Peculiarities of the Phase Behavior of Liquid-Crystal Mixtures at the Cholesteric Smectic (Ch Sm) Transition Boundary Crystallography Reports Vol. 51, No. 3, 497 2006
25. Винокур К.Д., Сихарулидзе Д.Г., Чилая Г.С., Элашвили З.М. // Жидкие кристаллы с геликоидальной структурой и их использование в системах отображения информции 1988, Мецниереба, Тбилиси
K.D.Vinokur; D.G.Sikharulidze, G.S.Chilaya, Z.M.Elashvilui, Liquid crystals with helical structure and their applications in displays, Metsniereba, Tbilisi, 1988 (in Russian)
26.Элашвили 3., Чилая Г.С., Топчиашвили Э Е., Мусеридзе М. Д., Дзоценидзе 3. Г. А.C. № 636245. (СССР). регистр. 1978. приор. 1976
27.Элашвили 3., Чилая Г.С.,Пилиашвили Т.С., Джапаридзе К. Г. А.C. № 691899 (СССР) регистр. 1979. приор. 1977
28.Винокур К.Д., Джапаридзе К. Г., Лисецкий Л.Н., Чилая Г.С. Элашвили 3. А.C. № 6886496. (СССР). регистр. 1981. приор. 1980