Russian Liquid Crystal Society


PROF. Viktov Vasilyevich BELYAEV

Curricilum vitae

Affiliation and official address:

Central Research Institute "Cometa". 109280 Moscow, Velozavodskaya st.5, Russia

Date of birth: 1951


1974 - Graduated from Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology (MFTI, Technical University), Faculty of General and Applied Physics;

1980 - candidates degree (Ph.D.) entitled "Investigations of orientation electrooptic effects in liquid crystals";

1996 - Professor (D.Sc.) degree entitled "Liquid crystals in optical systems for information transformation and displaying".


1998-2000 Associated Professor and Professor in Moscow State University for Geodesy and Cartography;

1993-1996, since 2000 - Associated Professor in Moscow Technical University of Radioengineering, Electronics and Automation.

V.V.Belyaev works actively with students and post-graduate students. He has prepared in universities four study programs: "Architecture and element base of optical processing" and "Coherent optical processors and displays", "Fundamentals of optical design", "Optical materials" and a set of practical works. He has also lectures prepared to teach the following programs: "Physical properties of liquid crystals", "Displays", "Spatial light modulators".

Professional activities:

1973-1986 - Organic Intermediates and Dyes Institute, Moscow;

since 1986 - Central Research Institute "Cometa", Moscow.

Scientific Supervision Activity:

21 post-graduate Ph.Doctor thesis and master diplomas were defended under the supervision by Prof.V.Belyaev.


Since 1994 - a member of the Officer Board for the CIS Liquid Crystal Society "Sodruzhestvo" (Commonwealth). He is the editor of its Bulletin "Liquid Crystals Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow".

A member of the International Liquid Crystal Society.

In 1997 he was elected as the Secretary and then Vice-Chair of the Russian SID Chapter and Russian National Association of Display Devices Manufacturers, Distributors and Consumers "DisplaySoyuz".


V.V.Belyaev is an author of two books, ten reviews and 200 scientific publications and inventions (see the list of main publications). His investigations were reported in many international scientific conferences. Besides of the USSR and CIS V.V.Belyaev got lectures and seminars in universities of different countries - Military Technical University, Warsaw and Jagellonian University, Crakow (Poland), Berlin Technical University, University of Siegen, Martin-Luther University, Halle (Germany), Kent Institute of Liquid Crystals, Boulder University (USA), University of Cambridge, University of Southampton, Strathclyde University, Glasgow (UK).

Recent publications:

1. Tomilin M.G., Belyaev V.V. Status and Trends of Flat Panel Research in Russia // Proc.19th International Display Research Conference EuroDisplay'99, Berlin, Germany, September 6-9, 1999, pp.209-213.

2. Belyaev V.V., Volynsky A.L., Voronina E.E., Bazhenov S.F., Ivanov S.A., Chistovskaya L.I. Fabrication of Plastic Substrates with Controlled Relief for Optical Components and Light Weight FPD // 6th International Display Workshops IDW'99, Sendai, Japan, December 1-3, 1999, p.69-72.

3. Belyaev V.V.// Displays of 90-s. Russian Chapter of Society for Information Displays. Moscow. 2000. 92 pp.

4. Belyaev V.V. Viscosity of nematic liquid crystals. Moscow, Fizmatlit. 2000. 176 pp.

5. Belyaev V.V., Kuznetsov A.B., Kalashnikov A.Y. "Bistable switching of light by liquid crystal cells connected in series with ferroelectric crystals of triglycine sulfate" // J.Opt.Technol. Vol.66. No.6. P.559-561 (1999).

Scientific interests and skills:

His scientific interests cover many problems of physics and application of liquid crystals. He is very communicative and works together with many scientists from the FSU (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus', Liethuania, Azerbaidzhan, Georgia) and overseas countries. His recent developments are connected with investigation of physical properties of nematic, cholesteric, smectic A and smectic C liquid crystals.

V.Belyaev is a skilled experimentalist. He can implement alone or in a team any stage of the experiment from a cell or array design and fabrication (including the manual one) to detailed analysis of results obtained with attraction of to-date theories. Victor Belyaev investigated different physical properties (phase transition temperatures, viscosity and elasticity, dielectric constants, refractive indices, rotational diffusion and molecular friction, local field anisotropy and order parameter, density and molecular packing) of LC substances and mixtures. He developed a set of molecular models to explain and predict change of properties for various substances. His knowledge of electro-optics of LC offered him to work with success in the field of applications of LC in shutters, displays, spatial light modulators. V.Belyaev's skill offered him to observe fine features of different electro-optic effects including back-flow patterns in planar and homeotropic oriented nematic cells, two-dimension textures in nematic and cholesteric LC under the action of electric field, two relaxation modes in smectic A LC etc. Some specific features of the electro-optic effects in LC observed by V.Belyaev in 70-s and 80-s were rediscovered or redescribed later by other scientists. There are pi-cells, electro-optics of twist-cells with 64 or 191 twist angle, double-frequency switching in ECB-cells, fast switching in 270 twist cells. V.Belyaev is an inventor of set of LC materials (ZhK-1289, ZhK-1282 etc.) which are yet very popular in former USSR countries. He has a set of inventions on different LC electro-optic devices. His development of optically addressed spatial light modulators were used for image processing, big screen projection, self-assembly processes studies, medical applications. Now Prof.V.Belyaev is performing projects to develop surfactants for LC vertical and tilted alignment, polymer optical components and substrates for flat panel displays. The last project is supported by Russian and Belorussian Foundations for Basic Researches.

In 1992-1994 he implemented an expert project for Ministry of Science and Technical Policy of Russian Federation "Concept of advanced materials for electronics". V.Belyaev is also a head specialist in CIS countries in the field of modern displays (cathode ray tubes, vaccuum fluorescent displays, field emission displays, electroluminescent displays, plasma display panels, liquid crystal displays, electrochemical displays etc.). He consulted companies from France, Korea, Netherlands, USA, Germany, Taiwan, Russia.

Family status:

He is married since 1973. He has a daughter and a grandson.

Telephones: Office - 7 (095) 2740961, Home - 7 (095) 5771981, Fax: 7 (095) 2740870.


Last updated on 17/05/01

The Advisory Board of LCS "CONNONWEALTH"


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