Prof.  SOKOLOVA Ekaterina Petrovna

PhD (1968), DSc (1990) in Physical Chemistry from St.-Petersburg State University


Positions, Fellowships

1979 1991,  Senior Researcher, from 1991  Professor of Chemistry, St.-Petersburg State University;

Short-time Visiting Professor of the Martin-Luther University, Halle (1992, 1994, 1995, 1997)

Member of the  Graduierter Kolleg of Wilhelm-Ostwald Institute, University of Leipzig (19931998)

1997 Winner of the 1-st Prize of St.-Petersburg State University in Sciences 


Specialization Physical Chemistry

Research Interest Experimental and statistical thermodynamics of liquid crystals


Address and e-mail

Department of Chemistry, St.-Petersburg State University, 198504  St.-Petersburg  Universitetsky Pr., 2,


Selected publications:

  1. Sokolova E.P., Tumanyan N.P. A simple model of a layer system of molecules with side-core and tail attractions. // Bull. of Leningrad State Univ. 1989. Issue 3. N 18. P. 33-40 (in Russian)

  2. Sokolova E.P., Vlasov A.Yu. A quasichemical lattice model for a binary mixture of hard rectangular parallelepipeds. // Liq. Crystals. 1990. V.8.  P.47-61.

  3. Churjusova T.G., Sokolova E.P. Enthalpy of mixing in binary systems of nematic liquid crystals. // Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 1992. V.213. P.207-212.

  4. Sokolova E.P.   Application  of  a  generalized  van  der  Waals  theory  to  the description of solute alignment in liquid crystal solvents. //  J. Struct. Chem.  1993. V.34. N.5. P. 106-116 (in Russian).

  5. Sokolova E.P.  Statistical-thermodynamic methods in physico-chemical studies of nematic liquid crystal mixtures (a review) // Russ. J. Appl. Chem. 1994. V.67. N.6. Part 1. P. 798-815.

  6. Sokolova E.P., Vlasov A.Yu. Role of steric factors in mechanism of separation of structural isomers with nematic sorbents.  // Bull. Russ. Acad. Sci., Ser. chem. 1996. N 3. P. 561-567.

  7. Sokolova E.P., Vlasov A.Yu. Orientational and thermodynamic properties of rod plate mixtures. // J. phys.: Condensed matter. 1997. V.9. P. 4089-4101.

  8. Sokolova E.P., Vlasov A.Yu.  In search of a molecularbased model of nematic solutions. // Fluid Phase Equil. 1998. V.150-151. P. 403-411.

  9. Churjusova T.G., Sokolova E.P. Enthalpy of mixing in liquid crystal systems composed of  4-n-pentyl-4-cyanobiphenyl and aromatics. // Russ. J. Phys. Chem. 1998. Vol. 72. P.1382-1385.

  10. Sokolova E.P., Smirnova N.A., Tochadze I.K. A generalized van der Waals model of nematic mixtures of molecules interacting according to the rectangular well potential. //  Russ. J. Phys. Chem. 2000. Vol. 74. Suppl. 2. P. 5357-5362.

  11. Sokolova E.P., Tumanyan N.P. Thermodynamic and orientational properties of twodimensional multicomponent hard rectangle fluids. // Liq. Cryst. 2000. Vol. 27. P. 813-824.

  12. Sokolova E.P., Tochadze I.K., Smirnova N.A. Phase equilibria in athermal nematic mixtures of  biaxial molecules. //  Russ. J. Phys. Chem. 2001. Vol. 75. N 8.


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